Monday, March 7, 2011

There's no crying in yoga!

    I admit it, I cried in yoga on Saturday. What was I thinking you ask? I was thinking, " I am a complete loser, a fat, out of shape, inflexible, weak loser. I might as well give up living." Then we moved onto a move I could handle better and then I started to think about how it might just take the rest of my life to master yoga, and do I want to spend my life mastering that? is it worth my time?
 Some days yes, some days no. 
     Then life was even better because i got to put my stinky foot on the poor sap next to me, who happened to be Sarah E. Thanks Sarah- it was stinky for you but funny for me. I guess I really do find the misfortune of others funny?      "Who is that sad little person?"
    I was so sore from that evil workout with that the horrible personal trainer/workout buddy Heidi Stowman and those vindictive one legged squats, I could barely extend my legs all the way, which if you have ever participated in yoga you would know that is a huge disadvantage. I am still sore in my right leg especially that Heidi had to help me stretch it out this morning- and that's just sad.
   I gained two pounds, and I think it might be in lactic acid! That's a whole lot o' sore!

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean about lactic acid? Please explain. :)
